Should I Travel With My Baby?

Traveling is a wonderful way to explore the world, create lasting memories, and enrich your life with new experiences. However, when you become a parent, the idea of traveling can become more complex and confusing, especially trying to navigate the world of opinions. The thought of juggling nappies, feeding, and sleep while travelling can be daunting. But fear not! With careful planning and consideration, traveling with your baby can be a rewarding and enriching experience for both you and your little one.

In this blog, we will explore the factors to consider when deciding whether to travel with your baby and provide tips to make the journey as smooth as possible. That way you can block out all of the unwanted advice and enjoy your travels with your baby.

As a Midwife and Mum of 4

Here are my top travelling tips!


Age Matters

The age of your baby plays a crucial role in determining the details of your travel. Newborns require constant attention and have specific feeding and sleeping needs. When your baby is a newborn, you will have a few extra considerations to think about before you travel. The main consideration is feeding your baby on demand. If you are driving, you will need to factor in extra time for stopping and feeding your baby. If you are flying, it is important to consider time required to apply and receive a passport.

Babies tend to be more adaptable and can handle the changes in routine that come with travel. It is important to consider your baby’s vaccination status prior to travelling and discussing with your healthcare provider if there are any specific travel requirements or health concerns to be aware of if travelling overseas.


Packing Essentials

Traveling with a baby requires really well thought out packing. Important things to consider:

  1. Your Bunnie Caddie: This is an essential item to help you stay organised while you’re away and have everything that you need easy to access when you need them. Your Bunnie Caddie folds flat so can easily be packed into a suitcase for overseas travel and assembled when you get there, or it can be put into the car pre-assembled and organised.

  2. Bunnie Caddie packing cubes are amazing for helping keep your carry on and suitcase well organised so that items are easy to access – especially while you have a baby in one arm!! Using the Bunnie Pouch Set are the perfect way to keep your carry on and checked in bags organised while maintaining the luxurious style and feel.

  3. Nappies and wipes: Pack more than you think you'll need, as finding specific brands or sizes can be challenging in some places and countries. I find that it is easier to pack a few nappies and a packet of wipes in one of the Bunnie Pouches to make those dash to the airplane bathrooms and nappy changes so much easier, rather than having to take your whole nappy bag to the tiny bathrooms.

  4. Prams: Consider a lightweight pram or a travel pram that you can take on the plane with you. This will make it easier for you to take your baby onto and off of the plane, especially if they are sleeping. Most airlines do not charge extra for you travelling with prams, carseats or portable cots however it is always essential to check this with your aircraft carrier before travelling.

  5. Portable cots: Check with your accommodation as to whether they provide portable cots for your baby. If they do, then it is one less item that you have to worry about and bring with you.

  6. Carseats: This is another consideration, especially if travelling to countries with less restrictions for carseats. Travelling with a carseat is often cheaper than hiring one when you are overseas as well.

  7. Baby food and formula: If your baby is on solid foods or formula, bring enough supplies to last the entire trip. You are allowed to take as much baby food and formula, bottles and clean water on the airplane as you need for your baby.

  8. Baby clothes and essentials: Pack extra clothing, bibs, burp cloths, and any special items your baby requires, like a favourite toy or blanket. Always pack more than you think especially when travelling by plane.

  9. First-aid kit: Include baby-safe pain relievers, teething gel, and any prescribed medications. Also take any medications that you may need while over there such as Panadol as these may be hard to source when overseas or you may not be able to read the labels properly.

  10. Activities for the travel: Depending on your baby’s age, will depend on what types of activities you take for your baby. There are lots of colouring option, pop-its, spinning toys that stick to the airplane windows that can all keep your baby entertained.


Think about the mode of transportation for your trip. While road trips can provide flexibility and comfort, air travel may be faster for longer distances. When flying, book flights during your baby's naptime if possible, and consider bulkhead seats for more space and easier access to changing tables. Some overseas planes will have bassinet seats, so it is a good idea to book one of these so your baby can have more room and a space to sleep. When you are flying, the pressure in the plane can hurt babies’ ears with take-off and landing. During take-off and landing, try to feed your baby at the breast, with a bottle or have them eating some food to help neutralise the ear pressure.



Choose accommodations that are baby-friendly. Many hotels offer cribs or playpens, and Airbnb listings often specify if they are suitable for families with infants. Having a comfortable and safe place for your baby to sleep is crucial for a peaceful trip.


Plan your days

Helping to plan your days can enable you to make the most out of your trip. If your baby generally sleeps at similar times, try to plan activities around those sleep times and be prepared for flexibility in your plans. Babies will sleep wherever they are, so try to enjoy your trip and not worry about baby’s sleep.


Be Patient and Flexible

Traveling with a baby can be unpredictable. Your baby may have fussy moments or unexpected needs. Be patient with yourself and your baby and be prepared to adjust your plans if necessary. Don’t worry about what other people might think of you, everyone has been in similar situations and understands that you are doing the best you can for your baby.


Don’t forget to take lots of photos and videos, although your baby won’t remember this trip, you will!! So, don’t be afraid to travel and enjoy all of the amazing memories you will be able to make together!


Traveling with a baby and/or older kids can be a wonderful experience, allowing you to create lasting memories as a family. However, it requires careful planning and consideration of your baby's needs and safety. By taking the time to prepare and being flexible in your approach, you can embark on adventures with your little one and introduce them to the joys of exploring the world from an early age. Remember that each baby is unique, so trust your instincts as a parent and enjoy the journey together.

Written by Lauren Brenton

Endorsed Midwife and Mum of 4

Founder of One Mama Midwife Pty Ltd and One Mama Midwife Antenatal Classes


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